July 26, 2024
FlaiChat Feature: Automatic Translations
Have seamless conversations with anyone in your group, regardless of what languages you speak.

My grandfather was a South Korean Airforce General. In the 70s, he visited an American military base and came back a techie. My mom, who at the time was just a little tot, still remembers his excited declaration that computers were the future. I think a lot about my grandfather, who was exceedingly progressive and always wanting to try out new technologies. He was the epitome of what we would call today an “early adopter”. There is no doubt that if he were alive today, he’d be playing a golfing simulator on a VR headset and his calendar would have the dates to WWDC marked (but not his anniversary).
But another truth of this alternate reality is that we wouldn’t be texting. Sadly, my Korean never was good enough to ask him the questions I’ll never get the answers to. His English, though fairly proficient, could never tell me the stories my mother got to hear.
Which leads me to the present day, where I am thrilled to announce Automatic Translations in Flaichat. When you enable this feature in your group settings, incoming messages are automatically translated to your chosen primary language. This is a massive improvement from the typical methods by which people overcome language barriers online. When we spoke with multilingual families, the best experience was manually copy pasting messages into Google Translate. And at worst, they didn’t talk at all.

Antuanette, who avidly uses FlaiChat, was especially excited about this feature. As the nucleus of a multi-lingual family, she plays many roles in life - wife, mother, daughter, student, and translator. FlaiChat’s Automatic Translations has enabled her to invite Spanish-speaking Grandma into the family chat to talk freely with the English-speaking grandkids and son-in-law. Her story is one we hope many families will be able to tell.
Interested in trying it out? Download FlaiChat on iOS or Android. Enable Automatic Translations for your DMs or Groups.